Wednesday, May 31, 2006
[listening to ::: let me clear my throat - dj kool]
i am so ridiculously tired, i do nothing but work, eat, drink coffee, work, eat, eat, eat and then try to squeeze in some sleep... sometimes at the most inappropriate times.
i was driving to work this morning at 8:34am, late, of course, and it was cold out, so my windows were up and the heater was blasting. sitting in traffic, i could feel the sun warming my face and i grow very very sleepy. so sleepy, in fact, i decide that since i'm going to be late anyway.. i turn off the busy, traffic jammed road into a side street, call work and proclaim, "traffic's really bad, i'll be an hour late" pull over, pop my chair back and SLEEP.
i love driving, but when i'm tired, it puts me to sleep.
i remember i was driving home once and got so sleepy, that i contemplated pulling a similar stunt to this morning's but decided to soldier on with CODRAL, soldier on, soldier on! and finally made it home -- but that was as far as i could make it coz as soon as i'd gotten parked -- you guessed it! popped the chair back and SLEPT IN MY CAR! i couldn't fathom the 20m i had to cover to get inside and into my cold, cold bed when there was a perfectly pre-warmed car that i was falling asleep in, anyway!
went to the filming of THE GLASSHOUSE last night and dave hughes vox-popped me -- which i thought would air tonight, but perhaps next week. (apologies to the people i told en-mass that it was tonight!) GLASSHOUSE crew are hilarious, btw.. and were much funny in their improv, warm-up stuff then the scripted shit.
speaking of shit.
i am so ridiculously tired, i do nothing but work, eat, drink coffee, work, eat, eat, eat and then try to squeeze in some sleep... sometimes at the most inappropriate times.
i was driving to work this morning at 8:34am, late, of course, and it was cold out, so my windows were up and the heater was blasting. sitting in traffic, i could feel the sun warming my face and i grow very very sleepy. so sleepy, in fact, i decide that since i'm going to be late anyway.. i turn off the busy, traffic jammed road into a side street, call work and proclaim, "traffic's really bad, i'll be an hour late" pull over, pop my chair back and SLEEP.
i love driving, but when i'm tired, it puts me to sleep.
i remember i was driving home once and got so sleepy, that i contemplated pulling a similar stunt to this morning's but decided to soldier on with CODRAL, soldier on, soldier on! and finally made it home -- but that was as far as i could make it coz as soon as i'd gotten parked -- you guessed it! popped the chair back and SLEPT IN MY CAR! i couldn't fathom the 20m i had to cover to get inside and into my cold, cold bed when there was a perfectly pre-warmed car that i was falling asleep in, anyway!
went to the filming of THE GLASSHOUSE last night and dave hughes vox-popped me -- which i thought would air tonight, but perhaps next week. (apologies to the people i told en-mass that it was tonight!) GLASSHOUSE crew are hilarious, btw.. and were much funny in their improv, warm-up stuff then the scripted shit.
speaking of shit.
and to leave you with something to ponder on the back of SHILOH and KINGSTON;
Weird Celebrity Baby's Names
- Toni Braxton and Keri Lewis: Diezel Ky Lewis
- Jamie Oliver and Julie Norton: Daisy Boo and Poppy Honey
- Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf: Jaz Elle Agassi
- Anna Ryder Richardson and Colin MacDougall: Dixie Dot
- Jason Lee and Beth Riesgraf: Pilot Inspektor Lee
- Shannyn Sossaman and Dallas Clayton: Audio Science Clayton
- David Bowie & 1st Wife: Zowie (Yes, as in Zowie Bowie!)
- Richard Gere and Carey Lowell: Homer James Jigme
- Bob Geldof and Paula Yates: Fifi-Trixibelle, Peaches Honeyblossom, Pixie
- Michael Hutchence and Paula Yates: Heavenly, Hirvani, Tiger Lily
- Bruce Willis and Demi Moore : Rumer Glenn, Scout LaRue, Tallulah Belle
- Julia Roberts and Daniel Moder: Phinnaeus and Hazel
- Frank and Gail Zappa: Moon Unit, Dweezil, Diva Muffin
- Arlyn & John Phoenix: River Jude, Rainbow Joan of Arc, Leaf Joaquin, Liberty Mariposa, Summer Joy
- Rob Morrow: Tu (Yes, as in ‘Tu-Morrow’)
- Sylvester Stallone: Sage Moon Blood
- George Foreman: 7 Children; 5 boys named George (I through V) and 2 girls, Freeda George and Georgetta. Well actually, 8 if you count the grill ;)
ps. i think i'm packing on the pudge as a result of a 3-hit combo of eat, drinking beers beers beers and never sleeping.
Monday, May 29, 2006
graduation and babies
[listening to ::: promiscuous girl - nelly furtado feat. timbaland]
just loaded up the rest of my GRAD PICS so you can have a lookie-see.
also, i stole my sister's digicam post-grad and will be taking more photos so as a result, set up a free yahoo picture hosting thingo. check SHITTY'S ALBUM (link also in the side-bar).
angelina and brad had a baby girl on friday: Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt
gwen and gavin had a baby boy on saturday: Kingston James McGregor Rossdale
what if THEIR kids hooked up?
just loaded up the rest of my GRAD PICS so you can have a lookie-see.
also, i stole my sister's digicam post-grad and will be taking more photos so as a result, set up a free yahoo picture hosting thingo. check SHITTY'S ALBUM (link also in the side-bar).
angelina and brad had a baby girl on friday: Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt
gwen and gavin had a baby boy on saturday: Kingston James McGregor Rossdale
what if THEIR kids hooked up?

imagine angelina and brad's daughter is really feral. she'd be waaaay messed up, trying to live up to her parents.
Friday, May 26, 2006
thank god it's friday
[listening to ::: shake your rump - beastie boys]
what a freakin' two weeks. been working my ass off; something ridiculous like 15days, straight.. so i rewarded myself with a new hat. you think i'm joking, but i'm not :)
man, i'm obsessed with green atm. yes, i bought TWO green items. shoes, being the other. also bought new work pants, coz i think i can only get away with wearing the same black pants, every day for so long. they're grey and pin-stripey but not gay ;) not that there's anything wrong with that!
speaking of gay, check it.
what a freakin' two weeks. been working my ass off; something ridiculous like 15days, straight.. so i rewarded myself with a new hat. you think i'm joking, but i'm not :)
man, i'm obsessed with green atm. yes, i bought TWO green items. shoes, being the other. also bought new work pants, coz i think i can only get away with wearing the same black pants, every day for so long. they're grey and pin-stripey but not gay ;) not that there's anything wrong with that!
speaking of gay, check it.
will do some boozing this weekend to make up for the ridiculously long hours i've worked. hopefully won't end up like this dip-shit.
ahh, for the first time in a long time, i can go out and can rummage up the money for beers beers beers without the threat of having to walk home.. or drive home drunk, for that matter coz i can throw my hands in the air, like i'm hailing a taxi!
watch me get really excited, *drinks on me!* spend all my money and be right back where i started. *sigh*
ps. the moral of the story is to light the sambucca, put it OUT, then shoot it. d'uh!
watch me get really excited, *drinks on me!* spend all my money and be right back where i started. *sigh*
ps. the moral of the story is to light the sambucca, put it OUT, then shoot it. d'uh!
Thursday, May 25, 2006
good things.
[listening to ::: fire fire - m.i.a]
graduation, yesterday. mini-mexican wave, in celebration of me!
graduation, yesterday. mini-mexican wave, in celebration of me!
Me and Papa Vuong
glenda's birthday, today. mini-mexican wave in celebration of her!
i got pressies. i had no idea graduating elicited present-giving, but apparently, it does! $35 GENERAL PANTS gift voucher, and lily, terry and alan put in for a 300GB drive! fuckin' s.t.o.k.e.d.
i am so soo soooo very tired. been working 16hr days, for the last 15 days straight, hence, no internet and no post!
had dinner with family PLUS my brother's girlfriend SHAZZA -- i mean, sharon last friday. during an offering of seconds, lily inadvertedly called our slightly rounder friend, fat. shazza was not impressed. alan's un-officially moved out with her. mum is not impressed.
it was kale's 21st last sunday night and the theme was BEAUTIFUL. as a joke, i rocked up as a pregnant woman, coz people are always saying how pregnant woman are beautiful.. man, did i go down in flames. the beautiful people didn't really agree, so i got changed and put on a dress. how very disappointing.
we're babysitting a friend's dog, lexun, at the moment.
i got pressies. i had no idea graduating elicited present-giving, but apparently, it does! $35 GENERAL PANTS gift voucher, and lily, terry and alan put in for a 300GB drive! fuckin' s.t.o.k.e.d.
i am so soo soooo very tired. been working 16hr days, for the last 15 days straight, hence, no internet and no post!
had dinner with family PLUS my brother's girlfriend SHAZZA -- i mean, sharon last friday. during an offering of seconds, lily inadvertedly called our slightly rounder friend, fat. shazza was not impressed. alan's un-officially moved out with her. mum is not impressed.
it was kale's 21st last sunday night and the theme was BEAUTIFUL. as a joke, i rocked up as a pregnant woman, coz people are always saying how pregnant woman are beautiful.. man, did i go down in flames. the beautiful people didn't really agree, so i got changed and put on a dress. how very disappointing.
we're babysitting a friend's dog, lexun, at the moment.
which i admit, is very cute, but i'm not ready to accept yet. it's no kau kia.. my old chihuahua/foxy terrior :( here's a puppy i really love
hahaha, i took that photo and the flash freaked her out and she fell off her perch. awww.. too cute.
i ordered my SOUNDS ticket ages ago, but it hasn't turned up yet. i hope i didn't check the VENUE PICK UP option. that'd suck balls.
splendour tix have also been bought and so far, the 7 of us are hoping to travel to byron via PAJERO. vVvVVvVVvVVVVrooom!!!!!
hate office politics. hate my office job. can't wait to get out. bleaugh.
got an interview at 11am tomorrow for an ACCOUNTS MANAGER position with THE EDGE, 96.1FM so must kick it and go to bed, jessica.
i ordered my SOUNDS ticket ages ago, but it hasn't turned up yet. i hope i didn't check the VENUE PICK UP option. that'd suck balls.
splendour tix have also been bought and so far, the 7 of us are hoping to travel to byron via PAJERO. vVvVVvVVvVVVVrooom!!!!!
hate office politics. hate my office job. can't wait to get out. bleaugh.
got an interview at 11am tomorrow for an ACCOUNTS MANAGER position with THE EDGE, 96.1FM so must kick it and go to bed, jessica.
Monday, May 15, 2006
just a quickie, gettin' sleepy
[listening to ::: shame on you - hot hot heat]
last week: SANITY, MARCH OF THE PENGUINS, purchased ticket for WE LOVE SOUNDS, temp-ing for WALKER CORPORATION.
last weekend: SNEAKERS on friday, work on saturday, and as a result, sleeping saturday night, work on sunday.
tonight: mother's day lamb-roast dinner.
now: bed, coz work is 830am tomorrow.
tomorrow: monkey work at WALKER CORPORATION + SPLENDOUR IN THE GRASS tickets.
coming weekend: dinner with family (+ alan's girlfriend - i think my brother's annoucing his moving out or their engagement or something.. ew.) yum cha, THE DA VINCI CODE and i'm sure i'll squeeze in lots of booze somewhere.
financial situation: $24.92 - i bought new black pants for work, NEW KICKS
last week: SANITY, MARCH OF THE PENGUINS, purchased ticket for WE LOVE SOUNDS, temp-ing for WALKER CORPORATION.
last weekend: SNEAKERS on friday, work on saturday, and as a result, sleeping saturday night, work on sunday.
tonight: mother's day lamb-roast dinner.
now: bed, coz work is 830am tomorrow.
tomorrow: monkey work at WALKER CORPORATION + SPLENDOUR IN THE GRASS tickets.
coming weekend: dinner with family (+ alan's girlfriend - i think my brother's annoucing his moving out or their engagement or something.. ew.) yum cha, THE DA VINCI CODE and i'm sure i'll squeeze in lots of booze somewhere.
financial situation: $24.92 - i bought new black pants for work, NEW KICKS
and some work shirts (cannot rotate wearing wife beater/singlets at an office. weird.)
job situation: rejected from INERTIA. apparently, fantastic interview, but a person with better product knowledge got it. m'eh. next in line: MTV PROGRAMMING ASSISTANT.
habits i wanna take up: skateboarding
habits i wanna kick: staying up (too) late *sings* riiiiiiiiiight onnn.............. it's tooooooooo laaaaaaaaaaate!
job situation: rejected from INERTIA. apparently, fantastic interview, but a person with better product knowledge got it. m'eh. next in line: MTV PROGRAMMING ASSISTANT.
habits i wanna take up: skateboarding
habits i wanna kick: staying up (too) late *sings* riiiiiiiiiight onnn.............. it's tooooooooo laaaaaaaaaaate!
Monday, May 08, 2006
*arnie* gett. ow-t.
so SHITTY THOUGHTS became un-attended over the weekend. surprise, surprise! friday night was spent at THE REGENT for a coupla beers and $5 bistro food, before hitting up the GASLIGHT for a coupla more. shoddy indian takeout was consumed on oxford st before calling it a night.
saturday night was super. checked out one of my fave (local aussie) bands down at Club 77 on their STARFUCKERS night. SOMETHING WITH NUMBERS kicked it. they played some new tunes which sounded promising, and rocked out to their old stuff. i managed to pinch the setlist from the stage and flogged a drum stick, too! huzzah!
ended up at WORLD BAR (see, even my name's on the bill!) and whilst we were staring down the ditzy door girl who was standing between us and the sweet, sweet warmth that was indoors, we five-finger discounted ourselves free passes from right under her nose and by-passed the $15 cover charge. TAKE THAT, voluntarily-skimpily-dressed-chick, standing-outside-with-your-useless-clipboard!
ahh, stealing things make for a good night.
meanwhile, at work yesterday, i had to close by myself and some fuckin' retards walked in at 4pm when i was trying to shut the doors. so i'm serving them at the counter, whilst a plethora of other customers dawdle inside and proceed to browse. what's with these people?! i swear, they're just sitting outside the store, waiting for the 4pm close time, and prance in to fuck you up. i don't mind working, but when i know that i stop getting paid at 4:15pm, i'm angry about how management could possibly roster one person to close. don't even get me started on the safety issues. *imagines being trapped under boxes, Principal Skinner styles, and not being found until someone opens the store the next day for trade*
at 4:20pm, after having served more customers than i had all day, i snapped. i left the counter and went to pull the shutters. if you wanna be served, you can all fuckin' wait, mutherfuckers.
the only thing worse than that is once you've shut the doors for the day, people come up and scream at you through the doors, "Are you closed?"
"No, we always trade with the doors shut, you dumb fucks!"
now to lighten the mood. pictures where no words are needed since i've already said more than enough. actually, points to those who can write captions for these.
Friday, May 05, 2006
a sailor went to sea, sea, sea
[listening to ::: all the love in the world - nine inch nails]
The Sea
A number of Primary Schools were doing a project on "The Sea". Kids were asked to draw pictures, or write about their experiences.
Teachers got together to compare the results, and put together some of the comments that were funny, and some that were sad. Here are some of them. The kids were all aged between 5 and 8 years:-
* This is a picture of an octopus. It has eight testicles. (Kelly age 6)
* Whales are animals, not fish. If they don't get air they can drown, like my brother did last summer. (David age 7)
* Oysters balls are called pearls. (James age 6)
* I don't like the sea. It makes me sick on the ferry. (Peter age 6)
* My goldfish died. Why? (Katie age 5)
* If you are surrounded by sea you are an Island. If you don't have sea all round you, you are in continent. (Wayne age 7)
* I think sharks are ugly and mean, and have big teeth, just like Emily Richardson. She's not my friend no more. (Kylie age 6)
* A dolphin breaths through an arsehole on the top of it's head. (Billy age 8)
* My uncle goes out in his boat with pots, and comes back with crabs. (Millie age 6)
* When ships had sails, they used to use the trade winds to cross the ocean. Sometimes, when the wind didn't blow, the sailors would whistle to make the wind come. My brother said they would be better off eating beans. (William age 7)
* I like mermaids. They are beautiful, and I like their shiny tails. How do mermaids get pregnant? (Helen age 6)
* Some fish are dangerous. Jelly fish can sting. Electric eels can give you a shock. They have to live in caves under the sea where I think they have to plug themselves into chargers. (Christopher age 7)
* My mum has fish nets, but doesn't catch any fish. (Laura age 5)
* When you go swimming in the sea, it is very cold, and it makes my willy small. (Kevin age 6)
* When me and Sarah went to the sea side in the summer holidays, we hid in the sand dunes and watched my big sister doing it with her boyfriend. It was fun. (Lauren age 7)
* A submarine goes under the water like a fish, but it has lots of seamen inside. (Emma age 5)
* When I grow up, I want to be captain of a big ship, and have lots of sailors (Valerie age 6)
* Divers have to be safe when they go under the water. Two divers can't go down alone, so they have to go down on each other. (Becky age 8)
* On holiday my Mum went water ski-ing. She fell off when she was going very fast. She says she won't do it again because water shot up her fanny. (Kate age 7)
The Sea
A number of Primary Schools were doing a project on "The Sea". Kids were asked to draw pictures, or write about their experiences.
Teachers got together to compare the results, and put together some of the comments that were funny, and some that were sad. Here are some of them. The kids were all aged between 5 and 8 years:-
* This is a picture of an octopus. It has eight testicles. (Kelly age 6)
* Whales are animals, not fish. If they don't get air they can drown, like my brother did last summer. (David age 7)
* Oysters balls are called pearls. (James age 6)
* I don't like the sea. It makes me sick on the ferry. (Peter age 6)
* My goldfish died. Why? (Katie age 5)
* If you are surrounded by sea you are an Island. If you don't have sea all round you, you are in continent. (Wayne age 7)
* I think sharks are ugly and mean, and have big teeth, just like Emily Richardson. She's not my friend no more. (Kylie age 6)
* A dolphin breaths through an arsehole on the top of it's head. (Billy age 8)
* My uncle goes out in his boat with pots, and comes back with crabs. (Millie age 6)
* When ships had sails, they used to use the trade winds to cross the ocean. Sometimes, when the wind didn't blow, the sailors would whistle to make the wind come. My brother said they would be better off eating beans. (William age 7)
* I like mermaids. They are beautiful, and I like their shiny tails. How do mermaids get pregnant? (Helen age 6)
* Some fish are dangerous. Jelly fish can sting. Electric eels can give you a shock. They have to live in caves under the sea where I think they have to plug themselves into chargers. (Christopher age 7)
* My mum has fish nets, but doesn't catch any fish. (Laura age 5)
* When you go swimming in the sea, it is very cold, and it makes my willy small. (Kevin age 6)
* When me and Sarah went to the sea side in the summer holidays, we hid in the sand dunes and watched my big sister doing it with her boyfriend. It was fun. (Lauren age 7)
* A submarine goes under the water like a fish, but it has lots of seamen inside. (Emma age 5)
* When I grow up, I want to be captain of a big ship, and have lots of sailors (Valerie age 6)
* Divers have to be safe when they go under the water. Two divers can't go down alone, so they have to go down on each other. (Becky age 8)
* On holiday my Mum went water ski-ing. She fell off when she was going very fast. She says she won't do it again because water shot up her fanny. (Kate age 7)
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
pull your g-string down south, OW!
[listening to ::: nasty girl - notorious b.i.g and co.]
don't laugh. it's a great track. it's such a wicked tune, i can even overlook the profanity when jagged edge sing, "all the ladies if you feel me, grab your titties for B.I.G" don't get me wrong, i'm a massive fan of profanity, but sometimes when it's used inappropriately... like in J-Lo's Play, when she screams, 'Play my mutherfuckin' song!' Lame. but then again, titties is a pretty funny word. hehe.. titties! on another note... TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITS!!!!!
so it's freakin' cold again and i remember the perks of winter. sleeping in, under your doona with the lekky* blankie on. turning on my heater and warming my room so that i can wear shorts and t-shirts like it's still summer. wearing hoodies again. wearing MITTENS!
don't laugh. it's a great track. it's such a wicked tune, i can even overlook the profanity when jagged edge sing, "all the ladies if you feel me, grab your titties for B.I.G" don't get me wrong, i'm a massive fan of profanity, but sometimes when it's used inappropriately... like in J-Lo's Play, when she screams, 'Play my mutherfuckin' song!' Lame. but then again, titties is a pretty funny word. hehe.. titties! on another note... TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITS!!!!!
so it's freakin' cold again and i remember the perks of winter. sleeping in, under your doona with the lekky* blankie on. turning on my heater and warming my room so that i can wear shorts and t-shirts like it's still summer. wearing hoodies again. wearing MITTENS!

wearing mittens to drink a cold drink. genius. it's like me eating ice-cream earlier, with the heater on. tasted just as good. i just had to eat it a little faster. but the heater can promptly rectify the brain-freeze. again, genius. i only have one rule for ice-cream, and that is... you know it! There's always room for ice-cream! ice-cream doesn't take up any space. even if you've just eaten a whole large pizza to yourself. ice-cream just fills in all the nooks and crannies in your belly. and it tastes sooooooooooo good. *sighs*... genius. sometimes, i wish i could just marry myself. ;) or maybe ice-cream.. mmMMmmMmMmmmm... ice-cream.

Me, probably running towards ice-cream... wearing mittens.
* electric - much like Electric Six -- I wanna take you to a gay barrrr!!!!!!!! (a version by Peaches!)
Monday, May 01, 2006
oh god, why didn't anybody tell me?
[listening to ::: steady as she goes - the raconteurs]
sooooooooooo, the interview was today. can't really say how it went. they asked questions, i answered them. then i asked questions, and they answered them. crazy. we'll see...went to maitland on the weekend for the groovin' the moo festi. hilltop hoods were good as usual, but i think they're losing their shine for having seen them about 8 times, now. END OF FASHION were outstanding. the guy sounds great live and the band were really tight. the crowd were fucked in the head, though. really rude and stupid. the herd were also there and they were really fun - great live band with an accordion and a new chick vocalist. and i also had a spazzy dance to faker's hurricane. ooh la la la, ooh la la la, ooh la!
the last post reminded me of a hilarious scene from THE FAMILY GUY.
ps. "I got 8-crates of Ipecac from Mort, all on my tab." Ipecac is something you drink that induces vomiting. it's usually drunk after swallowing poison. i think i've already given away too much. just watch.
[alright. YouTube deleted the FAMILY GUY video, probably for copyright reasons so if you missed it, it's over!!!]
i killed myself laughing, the first time i saw it. even my dad, who was watching it in his room cracked up and he doesn't speak a word of english. ahh, i'm glad spewing is funny in all languages.
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