Thursday, December 07, 2006
independence, 1. parentals, asian.
[listening to ::: slow hands - interpol]
laura left for overseas today which means her apartment freed up which means i'm HOPEFULLY moving into it, next week!
i just dropped the bombshell (if you were my parents, you'd understand) of me getting a full time job and then (temporarily) moving out. i know it's not a big deal, but when the ones who went before me were my sister (moved out when she married) and brother (retarded and pussy-whipped).. you'd realise the enormity of this event.
laura left for overseas today which means her apartment freed up which means i'm HOPEFULLY moving into it, next week!
i just dropped the bombshell (if you were my parents, you'd understand) of me getting a full time job and then (temporarily) moving out. i know it's not a big deal, but when the ones who went before me were my sister (moved out when she married) and brother (retarded and pussy-whipped).. you'd realise the enormity of this event.
meanwhile, the summer festival continues (and is perhaps, prolonged) with the announcement of THE V FESTIVAL.
campaign sorta sucks (do with thirty-thousand what-now?), but line-up looks do-able.
- Pixies
- Pet Shop Boys
- Groove Armada
- Gnarls Barkley
- Soulwax - Nite Versions
- 2manydjs
- The Rapture
- Phoenix
- Softlightes
- Bumblebeez
- Mercy Arms
- The Temper Trap
in other news, you can learn to dance like a whitey with three easy payments of $19.95!
random activity book of the day
the hoff activity book
the hoff activity book
Monday, December 04, 2006
i am an awesome flasher
[listening to ::: take me back to your house - basement jaxx]
lookie what i drew! my first walk cycle!!! it may not be a big deal, but it's the baby step in animation.. hooray for me!
meanwhile, people are doing much bigger and better things. like this kid with his stop-animation drawing. check it. it's a riot, riot.
ps. if you guys aren't able to see it, it's because the video i've posted uses flash player -- if you don't have it, freakin' download it -- or just click ON the video, it'll take you to the site, and change the video settings from FLASH > WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER. losers.
meanwhile, pimp your blog with this doozey-whats-it.
lookie what i drew! my first walk cycle!!! it may not be a big deal, but it's the baby step in animation.. hooray for me!
meanwhile, people are doing much bigger and better things. like this kid with his stop-animation drawing. check it. it's a riot, riot.
ps. if you guys aren't able to see it, it's because the video i've posted uses flash player -- if you don't have it, freakin' download it -- or just click ON the video, it'll take you to the site, and change the video settings from FLASH > WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER. losers.
meanwhile, pimp your blog with this doozey-whats-it.
and check out these kiitttttttttttttttttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiies!!!!
was only going to put in one pic, but they work so well as a set!
was only going to put in one pic, but they work so well as a set!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
no time to say, hello! goodbye!
[listening to ::: saturdays - cut copy]
surely today will be the day she updates! surely... thanks for checkin in, fellas.
month to date is as follows:
ahhhhh, i'm stuck for thoughts. will leave you with a U2 pic. will post more and vids, later.
check youse guys.
ps. this is how busy i've been! check out my internet usage meter this month.
something MUST be wrong if i don't have enough time to use up ALL my downloads for a month! the shame.....
i'm so embarassed! you'll understand when you see previous months.... i pwned.
surely today will be the day she updates! surely... thanks for checkin in, fellas.
month to date is as follows:
- new job! at
- and thus, quitting sanity. last shift is next friday
- went to U2 - kicked some serious ass
- was in albury for the weekend for basky carnival -- great times. good pizza.
- have to pitch to my chairman, chris murphy, tomorrow and have yet to think of anything as bed is mighty alluring.
ahhhhh, i'm stuck for thoughts. will leave you with a U2 pic. will post more and vids, later.
check youse guys.
ps. this is how busy i've been! check out my internet usage meter this month.
something MUST be wrong if i don't have enough time to use up ALL my downloads for a month! the shame.....
i'm so embarassed! you'll understand when you see previous months.... i pwned.
teletubbies vs. wazzzzzzzzup?!
teletubbies vs. wazzzzzzzzup?!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
2nd bdo announcement
[listening to ::: oh yeah, alright - one-two]
2nd announcement for BDO was released today! fattens up the electro bill and fills the boiler room quite nicely.
added to the BIG DAY OUT line-up:
2nd announcement for BDO was released today! fattens up the electro bill and fills the boiler room quite nicely.
added to the BIG DAY OUT line-up:
- The Streets
- Kasabian
- Crystal Method DJs
- Justice
- Trivium
- John Cooper Clarke
- Afra & The Incredible Beatbox Band
- Lily Allen
- Lupe Fiasco
- Diplo
- John Butler Trio
- Something for Kate
- You Am I
- Little Birdy
- The Presets
- Bob Evans
- The Drone
- The Butterfly Effect
- love [tattoo]
- Shapeshifter
meanwhile, the m. juggs are playing again somewhere... can't remember, but am very keen to see them again. wanna lap it all up before they hit the big time and spend all their time o.s -- plus, i'll get to say, "midnight juggernauts? yeah, i saw them when they played my high school formal in 1922 -- BEFORE they hit the big time. *pffft*"
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
don't hate the scalpers, hate the n00bs!
[listening to ::: lullaby - the cure]
dang. been flat out. working like a biatch (45hr weeks!) and weekends are a write off. many apologies!
won our mixed colour comp basky competition on tuesday nights. some very angry boys lost to 3 girls and 2 guys. red kicks ass. wh00t!
meanwhile, GOOD VIBRATIONS line-up was announced. they actually started pre-sale tickets after only announcing TIMO MAAS. there was a stink as people protested it was arrogant for them to sell tickets to something without even telling the punters who they were going to see. just as well they backed up with a scorchin' line-up.
- Beastie Boys
- Jurassic 5
- Timo Maas
- Cassius
- Nightmares On Wax
- Desyn Masiello
- Rahzel
- DJ Yoda
- Cut Copy
- Ursula 1000
- London Elektricity
- Fort Knox Five & Thunderball
- DJ Dan
- Kraak & Smaak
- Cicada
i read a letter in DRUM or 3D recently and it got me thinking about scalping. the letter-writer had gone to EBAY shortly after BDO sold out and counted the tickets that were being scalped online. as a percentage of the 45,000 tickets that were sold, the ticket scalpers only made up for ~0.2% - that's 900 (and being generous). now i know this figure isn't exactly accurate, but he does make a good point. imagine scalping accounts for something as massive as 10%. that's 4,500 tickets. so 40,000 tickets are being bought by LEGITIMATE punters... no?
doesn't that say something? i mean, following the trend of festival-goers, haven't we noticed a rise in popoularity? so doesn't this make sense? couldn't it be that these tickets are really being snapped up by genuine, NEW punters?
i think some sort of poll should be conducted to find out how many ticket holders are first time BDO go-ers. then we can account for the selling out of such festivals.
it's all about the angle, baby -- photo tricks
Friday, October 27, 2006
so... i have two kids...
[listening to ::: bang bang bang - something with numbers]
just had a run in with a crazy neighbour.
about a year ago, i parked my car about 8 houses up from mine. the next morning, i found a note on my windscreen saying something to the effect of,
hi. please do not park your car here as it is where i park mine. i have kids and would appreciate some common courtesy on your behalf. thank you.
the lady then knocked on my doorstep to confront us and was all, "i'm calling the cops on you" and i was almost daring her to, to see the coppers' reaction to me having the audacity to park in a public place.
anyway, we kept the note for awhile, in case anything happened. nothing did, and i totally forgot about the incident until tonight!
i had just gotten home from work and parked, dare i say, IN FRONT OF HER HOUSE! as i was getting out of the car, an oncoming car slowed down and then stopped. she rolled down her window.
CRAZY LADY: hi. do you live around here?
MISH: yeah...
CL: oh. coz i have two kids and i'd like to park in front of my house.
MISH: err, okay.
CL: well, are you going to move?
MISH: umm... not really. there's a spot behind me. you can park there.
CL: there's a no stopping sign there.
MISH: well, you can park behind me and in front of the sign.
CL: can YOU park there?
MISH: uhh.. no.
MISH: there's nothing wrong with that spot. you could fit in there.
CL: no, no. we've been booked before in that spot. (yes, because dulwich hill is a HIGHLY patroled area. we're a bunch of illegal parkers!)
MISH: but you could fit, within the spot.
CL: no. i want to park in front of my house. so, are you going to move?
MISH: no.
CL: well, thanks SOOOOOOOOOOOO much. you've been VERY helpful.
MISH: no problem.
then she parked her car and waited to see which house i went into. i can't wait to go out tomorrow and find my car vandalised. then I'M going to call the cops on her fuckin' ass. boo-yeow!!!
again, with the hindsight. there were so many opportunities to slam her. for eg, "how about we find out whose parked in front of MY house, we'll get them to move, then i can park there, and you can park here?! awesome!!!!" so many calls went begging... *sigh*
who are these people? where do they come from?!
ps. happy birthday, punk. *singing* another year over... a new one's just begun...
just had a run in with a crazy neighbour.
about a year ago, i parked my car about 8 houses up from mine. the next morning, i found a note on my windscreen saying something to the effect of,
hi. please do not park your car here as it is where i park mine. i have kids and would appreciate some common courtesy on your behalf. thank you.
the lady then knocked on my doorstep to confront us and was all, "i'm calling the cops on you" and i was almost daring her to, to see the coppers' reaction to me having the audacity to park in a public place.
anyway, we kept the note for awhile, in case anything happened. nothing did, and i totally forgot about the incident until tonight!
i had just gotten home from work and parked, dare i say, IN FRONT OF HER HOUSE! as i was getting out of the car, an oncoming car slowed down and then stopped. she rolled down her window.
CRAZY LADY: hi. do you live around here?
MISH: yeah...
CL: oh. coz i have two kids and i'd like to park in front of my house.
MISH: err, okay.
CL: well, are you going to move?
MISH: umm... not really. there's a spot behind me. you can park there.
CL: there's a no stopping sign there.
MISH: well, you can park behind me and in front of the sign.
CL: can YOU park there?
MISH: uhh.. no.
MISH: there's nothing wrong with that spot. you could fit in there.
CL: no, no. we've been booked before in that spot. (yes, because dulwich hill is a HIGHLY patroled area. we're a bunch of illegal parkers!)
MISH: but you could fit, within the spot.
CL: no. i want to park in front of my house. so, are you going to move?
MISH: no.
CL: well, thanks SOOOOOOOOOOOO much. you've been VERY helpful.
MISH: no problem.
then she parked her car and waited to see which house i went into. i can't wait to go out tomorrow and find my car vandalised. then I'M going to call the cops on her fuckin' ass. boo-yeow!!!
again, with the hindsight. there were so many opportunities to slam her. for eg, "how about we find out whose parked in front of MY house, we'll get them to move, then i can park there, and you can park here?! awesome!!!!" so many calls went begging... *sigh*
who are these people? where do they come from?!
warning: smoking may cause puffy eyes.
line rider
line rider
here's something we prepared earlier: check out the kick ass line rider
ps. happy birthday, punk. *singing* another year over... a new one's just begun...
Thursday, October 19, 2006
rainbow stalin (russian comrade mix)
[listening to ::: crooked teeth - death cab for cutie ]
since dad booted ratty from the general kitchen vicinity, she's moved in with me and lives on my old study table in my room.
i'm sure she has a natural body clock that is supposed to sleep during the day, and scurry during the night. at the rate i'm going -- it's day light ALL the time for her, since the last 4 days, i've stayed up on the 'puter till 530am. the light of day usually freaks me out and i hop into bed, just as day breaks.
so rat-rat goes from natural daytime 6am - 6pm -- and then when i get home, i throw the light switch and it's light, again... from 6pm - 530am! which is why i always find her sleeping!!! i hope it don't break her!
poor wang... :(
ps. by now, everyone's heard the track, ALL THIS LOVE by THE SIMILOU, yes? if not, FYI;
check shit out:
the forum proceed to pay him out and the kid gets pwned! they even make an avatar of RAINBOW STALIN!
meanwhile... get your own back from the big companies. these kids are aussie, too.. fuckin' oath.
since dad booted ratty from the general kitchen vicinity, she's moved in with me and lives on my old study table in my room.
i'm sure she has a natural body clock that is supposed to sleep during the day, and scurry during the night. at the rate i'm going -- it's day light ALL the time for her, since the last 4 days, i've stayed up on the 'puter till 530am. the light of day usually freaks me out and i hop into bed, just as day breaks.
so rat-rat goes from natural daytime 6am - 6pm -- and then when i get home, i throw the light switch and it's light, again... from 6pm - 530am! which is why i always find her sleeping!!! i hope it don't break her!
poor wang... :(
she's too cute!
ps. by now, everyone's heard the track, ALL THIS LOVE by THE SIMILOU, yes? if not, FYI;
all this love, saved up for nothing
it never felt so good
and all this love
rainbow stylin'
it never felt so good
and all this love
rainbow stylin'
check shit out:
the forum proceed to pay him out and the kid gets pwned! they even make an avatar of RAINBOW STALIN!

meanwhile... get your own back from the big companies. these kids are aussie, too.. fuckin' oath.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
i can't decide whether you should live or die
[listening to ::: i can't decide - scissor sisters]
i'm eager to hit the fast-foward button on my life and see how it pans out. i wonder what sort of profession i will fall into. at this stage, i have no idea. what is it that i could do for 38hrs a week and not go insane -- heck, even enjoy! enjoy your job? now that's just crazy talk!
a customer once said, "jobs are for the unemployed. everyone who has one, doesn't want it." ahh, true story. i then had the offending man removed from the store.
are we at that stage where we are too old to find a completely new passion? am i a cougar in in terms of life? for example, i definitely missed my learning-to-skate phase. if i were to go down to the skate park today, with the skills i possess, it would be like signing up to ballet and being put into a class of 6 year olds. it wouldn't be as obvious with skating, because i could fake my way out. standing on my skateboard and pushing off every now and then -- and as long as everyone only ever saw me skating a straight line on smooth ground, no one will ever be the wiser! very suave..
really? really?! am i really saying this? i'm 22! i'm going to live till at least 9 thousand! and there are plenty of people worse off than me.. *reclines in her chair, whilst dad does my laundry, and mum calls out that dinner is ready*
perhaps it's just that people around me are slowly growing up and getting REAL jobs. i did apply for an intership at the BRAG. b'ah. i'm so frustrated but too lazy to do anything about it. woe is DEFINITELY me.
don't know if you guys caught it, but i finally found pictures of the BANKSY prank on PARIS HILTON. check shit out. it's a hoot!
of course, the fundamental video and flash game is to follow.
This is a mesmerizing and frightening video. It's a word-for-word parody of Susan Powter's first workout video, featuring poodles and a crazy poodle-woman. Absolutely surreal. It was made by Nagi Noda for Panasonic. It was part of 10 films they made for the 2004 Athens Olympics.
i'm eager to hit the fast-foward button on my life and see how it pans out. i wonder what sort of profession i will fall into. at this stage, i have no idea. what is it that i could do for 38hrs a week and not go insane -- heck, even enjoy! enjoy your job? now that's just crazy talk!
a customer once said, "jobs are for the unemployed. everyone who has one, doesn't want it." ahh, true story. i then had the offending man removed from the store.
are we at that stage where we are too old to find a completely new passion? am i a cougar in in terms of life? for example, i definitely missed my learning-to-skate phase. if i were to go down to the skate park today, with the skills i possess, it would be like signing up to ballet and being put into a class of 6 year olds. it wouldn't be as obvious with skating, because i could fake my way out. standing on my skateboard and pushing off every now and then -- and as long as everyone only ever saw me skating a straight line on smooth ground, no one will ever be the wiser! very suave..
really? really?! am i really saying this? i'm 22! i'm going to live till at least 9 thousand! and there are plenty of people worse off than me.. *reclines in her chair, whilst dad does my laundry, and mum calls out that dinner is ready*
perhaps it's just that people around me are slowly growing up and getting REAL jobs. i did apply for an intership at the BRAG. b'ah. i'm so frustrated but too lazy to do anything about it. woe is DEFINITELY me.
don't know if you guys caught it, but i finally found pictures of the BANKSY prank on PARIS HILTON. check shit out. it's a hoot!
of course, the fundamental video and flash game is to follow.
Mariko Takahashi's Fitness Video
This is a mesmerizing and frightening video. It's a word-for-word parody of Susan Powter's first workout video, featuring poodles and a crazy poodle-woman. Absolutely surreal. It was made by Nagi Noda for Panasonic. It was part of 10 films they made for the 2004 Athens Olympics.
NES challenge!
Friday, October 13, 2006
big day out is a sell-out *badum cssshhh!*
[listening to ::: the acid never lies (3pm rough rave remix) - riot in belgium]
sydney BIG DAY OUT sold out this morning.
how did i know this would happen? fuckin' scalpers!
ps. i got myself a ticket, i'm just angered at it's popularity. yes. i do quite enjoy the view from up here :P
read more: sydney big day out 2007 sells out.
sydney BIG DAY OUT sold out this morning.
how did i know this would happen? fuckin' scalpers!
ps. i got myself a ticket, i'm just angered at it's popularity. yes. i do quite enjoy the view from up here :P
read more: sydney big day out 2007 sells out.
i heart misster-krrufft
[listening to ::: fabric 29 mixed by cut copy]
i hate that i'm supposed to drop everything for my family and when i don't, i come out looking like a fuck-wit. i just got home from work and my parents sprung me with a family dinner for tomorrow night. i've already made dinner plans so can't go, because OBVIOUSLY, i've prioritised my friends over family, making me look like a dumb-cunt.
meanwhile, i hate when you try to do something new, like take up pilates, or get a hobby and you end up with AN INFECTED EAR. i tried wearing one sleeper through two holes and at some stage, my ear went retarded. hopefully it can be salvaged by reverting back to the tried and tested, one sleeper per hole routine. lame.
went to a kick ass show on saturday night.
you know those nights when you're expecting a quiet one and think that it's just a gig and a coupla drinks -- and all of a sudden, madonna turns up, the pope stops by and the queen calls a national-fuckin-holiday. oh yeah. it was THAT good. these guys are my new-gods -- gods, flavour of the month. same same, but different. ;)
beside the pretentious extreme bang-gang-ers (aka. pelvic-thrusting, matrix-style dancing) and what seemed like a tsubi after party (well, it was a MODULAR PARTY, so i guess it's one and the same) MSTRKRFT (which we now know is pronounced 'master kraft' and nor, misster-krruft. how embarassing.) put on a kick-ass show - despite initially having us confuse one of the dj duos for dave grohl. the resemblance was un-canny as the night wore on!
at one stage, it did get a little "outta control" as MSTRKRFT invited the crowd on stage for their hot hot remix of WOMAN. wasn't enough to phase me as it definitely ranks among my top gigs.
MIDNIGHT JUGGERNAUTS were solid following my hazy recollection of them at PARKLIFE. good times, people. good times.
haven't done anything about skating as i'm working so much. but i do know i throw down a better ollie than this reporter.
i hate that i'm supposed to drop everything for my family and when i don't, i come out looking like a fuck-wit. i just got home from work and my parents sprung me with a family dinner for tomorrow night. i've already made dinner plans so can't go, because OBVIOUSLY, i've prioritised my friends over family, making me look like a dumb-cunt.
meanwhile, i hate when you try to do something new, like take up pilates, or get a hobby and you end up with AN INFECTED EAR. i tried wearing one sleeper through two holes and at some stage, my ear went retarded. hopefully it can be salvaged by reverting back to the tried and tested, one sleeper per hole routine. lame.
went to a kick ass show on saturday night.
you know those nights when you're expecting a quiet one and think that it's just a gig and a coupla drinks -- and all of a sudden, madonna turns up, the pope stops by and the queen calls a national-fuckin-holiday. oh yeah. it was THAT good. these guys are my new-gods -- gods, flavour of the month. same same, but different. ;)
beside the pretentious extreme bang-gang-ers (aka. pelvic-thrusting, matrix-style dancing) and what seemed like a tsubi after party (well, it was a MODULAR PARTY, so i guess it's one and the same) MSTRKRFT (which we now know is pronounced 'master kraft' and nor, misster-krruft. how embarassing.) put on a kick-ass show - despite initially having us confuse one of the dj duos for dave grohl. the resemblance was un-canny as the night wore on!
at one stage, it did get a little "outta control" as MSTRKRFT invited the crowd on stage for their hot hot remix of WOMAN. wasn't enough to phase me as it definitely ranks among my top gigs.
MIDNIGHT JUGGERNAUTS were solid following my hazy recollection of them at PARKLIFE. good times, people. good times.
haven't done anything about skating as i'm working so much. but i do know i throw down a better ollie than this reporter.
for some fun, check out the FAKE MINIATURES.
real photos, taken at a specific angle, and then photo-shopped to look like miniatures! it's a fake, faking a fake! round and round we go, just like a mobius strip.
real photos, taken at a specific angle, and then photo-shopped to look like miniatures! it's a fake, faking a fake! round and round we go, just like a mobius strip.
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Basically, don't touch my shit! But I can touch yours.. if you're lucky. ;)
Copyright 2006