/* ----------------------------------------------------- Blogger Template Style Booted from wordpress to blogspot by Gecko Name: Death Designer: URL: http://www.geckoandfly.com Date: 27 April 2007 ------------------------------------------------------ */ shitty thoughts: graduation and babies

Monday, May 29, 2006

graduation and babies

[listening to ::: promiscuous girl - nelly furtado feat. timbaland]

just loaded up the rest of my GRAD PICS so you can have a lookie-see.

also, i stole my sister's digicam post-grad and will be taking more photos so as a result, set up a free yahoo picture hosting thingo. check SHITTY'S ALBUM (link also in the side-bar).

angelina and brad had a baby girl on friday: Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt

gwen and gavin had a baby boy on saturday: Kingston James McGregor Rossdale


what if THEIR kids hooked up?

+ = more hot babies?

imagine angelina and brad's daughter is really feral. she'd be waaaay messed up, trying to live up to her parents.

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