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Thursday, May 25, 2006

good things.

[listening to ::: fire fire - m.i.a]

graduation, yesterday. mini-mexican wave, in celebration of me!

Me and Papa Vuong

glenda's birthday, today. mini-mexican wave in celebration of her!

i got pressies. i had no idea graduating elicited present-giving, but apparently, it does! $35 GENERAL PANTS gift voucher, and lily, terry and alan put in for a 300GB drive! fuckin' s.t.o.k.e.d.

i am so soo soooo very tired. been working 16hr days, for the last 15 days straight, hence, no internet and no post!

had dinner with family PLUS my brother's girlfriend SHAZZA -- i mean, sharon last friday. during an offering of seconds, lily inadvertedly called our slightly rounder friend, fat. shazza was not impressed. alan's un-officially moved out with her. mum is not impressed.

it was kale's 21st last sunday night and the theme was BEAUTIFUL. as a joke, i rocked up as a pregnant woman, coz people are always saying how pregnant woman are beautiful.. man, did i go down in flames. the beautiful people didn't really agree, so i got changed and put on a dress. how very disappointing.

we're babysitting a friend's dog, lexun, at the moment.

which i admit, is very cute, but i'm not ready to accept yet. it's no kau kia.. my old chihuahua/foxy terrior :( here's a puppy i really love

hahaha, i took that photo and the flash freaked her out and she fell off her perch. awww.. too cute.

i ordered my SOUNDS ticket ages ago, but it hasn't turned up yet. i hope i didn't check the VENUE PICK UP option. that'd suck balls.

splendour tix have also been bought and so far, the 7 of us are hoping to travel to byron via PAJERO. vVvVVvVVvVVVVrooom!!!!!

hate office politics. hate my office job. can't wait to get out. bleaugh.

got an interview at 11am tomorrow for an ACCOUNTS MANAGER position with THE EDGE, 96.1FM so must kick it and go to bed, jessica.

The Edge! That's my local station! They used to broadcast from Penrith. In fact they used to broadcast from KATOOMBA back when they were known as 2KA.  

omg, the 'riff! that's fully sick, man. maybe they will give me a gemini as a company car. that would be fuckin' mad.  

It took me like 5 minutes to realise what the "riff" was.  

and you said you was from the mountains.. :P

you bring shame upon the village!!!  

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