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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

2nd bdo announcement

[listening to ::: oh yeah, alright - one-two]

2nd announcement for BDO was released today! fattens up the electro bill and fills the boiler room quite nicely.

added to the BIG DAY OUT line-up:
meanwhile, the m. juggs are playing again somewhere... can't remember, but am very keen to see them again. wanna lap it all up before they hit the big time and spend all their time o.s -- plus, i'll get to say, "midnight juggernauts? yeah, i saw them when they played my high school formal in 1922 -- BEFORE they hit the big time. *pffft*"


man thats a killer line up. woop. i hope it's not going to be one of those BDO's where you spend 15 minutes at every act. flippin through drum midnight J.nauts playing at "gas works" WTF mate?? 135 george st parramatta. 10 bucks. gas works pfffffffffff  

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