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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

don't hate the scalpers, hate the n00bs!

[listening to ::: lullaby - the cure]

dang. been flat out. working like a biatch (45hr weeks!) and weekends are a write off. many apologies!

won our mixed colour comp basky competition on tuesday nights. some very angry boys lost to 3 girls and 2 guys. red kicks ass. wh00t!

meanwhile, GOOD VIBRATIONS line-up was announced. they actually started pre-sale tickets after only announcing TIMO MAAS. there was a stink as people protested it was arrogant for them to sell tickets to something without even telling the punters who they were going to see. just as well they backed up with a scorchin' line-up.

i read a letter in DRUM or 3D recently and it got me thinking about scalping. the letter-writer had gone to EBAY shortly after BDO sold out and counted the tickets that were being scalped online. as a percentage of the 45,000 tickets that were sold, the ticket scalpers only made up for ~0.2% - that's 900 (and being generous). now i know this figure isn't exactly accurate, but he does make a good point. imagine scalping accounts for something as massive as 10%. that's 4,500 tickets. so 40,000 tickets are being bought by LEGITIMATE punters... no?

doesn't that say something? i mean, following the trend of festival-goers, haven't we noticed a rise in popoularity? so doesn't this make sense? couldn't it be that these tickets are really being snapped up by genuine, NEW punters?

i think some sort of poll should be conducted to find out how many ticket holders are first time BDO go-ers. then we can account for the selling out of such festivals.


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