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Tuesday, September 05, 2006


[listening to ::: my love feat. TI - justin timberlake]

i get great satisfaction in giving a good present. their surprise, the reaction, the disbelief, the elation -- and the knowledge that you nailed it. selfish? maybe. i guess we both win. happy birthday, dirty slag.

got absolutely hammered on friday night. haven't done that for a while! headed out to a party with a bar tab, and then kicked on and stealthily by-passed the cover at the next joint -- where we were met with free drinks at the bar. spent $20 on cabs and had a massive hang-over on saturday. worth every penny ;)

just found this game online and remembered that i was obsessed with it as a kid. saturdays would be spent at george st with $20 in hand; $7 for a movie, $3 for a happy meal, and $10 for PUZZLE BOBBLE!

do not INSERT COIN. simply CLICK to play!

(alternatively, STREET FIGHTER, DAYTONA, COIN-PUSHY-DROPPY-GAMBLE-TICKET-WINNER-MACHINE, and if you really wanted to get fancy, TEKKEN, were also accepted. these were the days before DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION. galaxy world has since, changed... it's changed, man!!!)

ps. this is probably why asians are good at trigonometry. but terrible at english. puzzle BOBBLE? wtf?

pps. this is how my brother found out he was colour-blind. seriously. we were sitting there and he was screaming at the screen, "this game's FUCKED!
*pointing at 2 yellow bubbles and a green* there's 3 yellows and it won't POP!"

now before you leave and get too carried away with the PUZZLE BOBBLE game (or practicing your DDR moves), this next video made me cry... with laughter. literally.



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