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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

mexican-hat dance!!!

[listening to ::: heartbeats - the knife]

bitch. whine. do i do anything else?

on friday night, i rocked up at the PALACE donning a cap as part of my outfit, as per usual.

security at the door, checked my ID and let me pass. i went up the escalators to where the UNSW sports assoc. party was being held. again, the people on the door, signed me in and stamped my wrist.

and on this MID-PALACE level i sat for 2hrs, drinking. during my 3rd hour there, a security guy tapped me on the shoulder and asked me to remove my cap.

MISH: i've been here for two hours, wearing this hat.
SECURITY: take off your hat.
MISH: there are other people here, wearing hats. heck. there are bar staff, wearing hats.
SECURITY: take off your hat.
MISH: that guy! he's wearing a hat! the security guys downstairs let me in, wearing this hat.
SECURITY: take. off. your. hat.
*reluctantly takes off the hat*

so later in the night, after seeing 4 other people in hats (girls and guys, alike.. and many variations (including guys dressed in togas, with tree branches as head gear)) i decided to very politely, ask another security guard.

MISH: hi. i was just wondering, from a security perspective, why aren't we allowed to wear hats, inside?
SECURITY WHO WAS ALSO WEARING A HAT: coz the cameras can't see your face.
MISH: fair. why don't you enforce it more rigorously? i was asked to remove my hat, but i was allowed to wear it when i came through the doors, downstairs.
SECURITY: coz it's lit downstairs.
MISH: okay, why don't you enforce it on the door, on this level?
SECURITY: because it's not that important. as security, we have better things to worry about than whether or not you're wearing a hat.
MISH: again, fair. but then why isn't there a blanket policy about no hats, that applies to everyone? i was asked to remove mine, yet there's a guy, over there, wearing a hat.
SECURITY: it's on backwards.
as fate would have it, at this exact moment, he turned it back around.
MISH: okay. he's just turned it around.
SECURITY: look, we can tell them to take their hat off, and if they refuse, we can throw them out. but we can't follow them around all night to make sure they don't put them back on.
MISH: i understand this, you have better things to worry about. but your staff behind the bar are wearing hats.
SECURITY: well, they work here and we own this place. we can wear what ever the fuck we like. we make the rules. and if you don't like it, you can get the fuck out.
MISH: err... shouldn't you, and the bar staff, be setting an example?
SECURITY: it's our fuckin' place. if you don't like it, then fuck off.
MISH: well... thanks very much for the chat... *mumbles* you power-tripped freak!!!!

was i just drunk? or did i have a point?

How fucking ruuuuude.

Makes me love those chunky security guys even more.  

chunky security guards? you mean the ones at your beloved coogee bay?  

ps. just to clarify, i was NOT wearing an actual MEXICAN HAT at the time *coughs*rosie*coughs*

i was wearing just a regular 'ole hat.  

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