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Thursday, June 22, 2006

shitty has a shitty day

[listening to ::: girl and the sea - the presets]


will fill you in with details later, but what i will share is the retail therapy i indulged in as a result. another hat.

yes, hat, yes.

other items included a plain white jacket hoodie, a green coat jacket, 600gr of candy (from those 'scoop-your-own-candy' places), the presets album, beams (i thought i ought to purchase and support their music.. makes it easier that they're australian, too) and a groove armada live in brixton dvd. then i came home and slept to rest to watch the aussies play their do-or-die match against croatia tonight/tomorrow morgan.

before i go for nap #2, i saw this last night and thought it was pretty cool. some dood, doodled all over a WOLFMOTHER film clip and this is the result. apparently it's been talked about on JJJ and the boys wanna meet him. serendipity, or what? always room for more pirates, i say! arrrrrgh!

NB: the original video for white unicorn by WOLFMOTHER.


How is you??? Hope you're doing fine... dude I gotta come clean.. I got so freakin jealous of how good your blog is I went and did mine and made a new dandy blog how cool is that?

Anyways... hope to catch ya around... got a good 2 weeks off lets meet up or something and discuss all things... wolfmotherish. *ahem*


heya naff! life is treating us all pretty shitty, i believe... but i think that is the way it goes for all ;)

sorry i took so long to reply. as you've noticed, i'm suffering blog-neglect.

but hopefully everything's back on track now!

not too big of a fan of the 'mother... but am happy to discuss other things!

hit me.  

It was a very excellent Weblog. I like it.

Beauty Salon Redmond

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