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Sunday, June 04, 2006

mistaken legal papercut bananas

[listening to ::: yes yes y'all - sergio mendes feat. black thought, chali 2na & will.i.am]

on friday, i commented that after working at my office job for the last 3 weeks, and handling 53, 758 pieces of paper a day, i hadn't gotten a paper cut yet. then there was an almighty roar from above, a lightening strike.. and come friday afternoon, i went home with FOUR PAPERCUTS. weird.

speaking of weird, angelina jolie had to buy 24 domain names after her kid was born, in fear of people putting up defamatory sites like TomKat's baby's COUNTDOWN TO LEGALITY. haha, imagine. BANG! literally. she's 18! freaks!

in a case of really bad mistaken identity, laura van ryn was identified as the sole survivor of a car crash, claiming the lives of 5 other classmates. her family spent a month by her bedside as she lay comatose, nursing her back to health. then when she finally came to, they realised that she was, in fact, not their daughter, but had been mis-identified and was actually one of the other girls in the car, whitney. meanwhile, whitney's family had already buried laura and been mourning for the past month.

meanwhile, i am back to being broke! work pays every month. that's right, folks! on the 15th of every month is when i get my monies and so from now til the 15th, i must scrimp on the money i have remaining after blowing most of it, thinking i was loaded. ack.

i should really go out and find a real job that i actually enjoy. i'm basically doing secretarial, monkey work and there's only so much one can take before i'm throwing my bananas at everyone at the office -- and at $15 a kilo, i can't afford to!

could you imagine how many bananas this kid's going to throw at his dad after seeing this?

as a parting note, i couldn't say anything about snakes on a plane, better than this guy. its an audition for a fake movie, but he does wicked impersonations. i love his joe pesci one. there's also christopher walken, robert de niro and al pacino... i think.

my eye! i'm so poorly constructed!

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